Student Account FAQ

What is a student account?

Most funds raised through band competitions, events, and sales go directly to the NWBPO to benefit ALL band and color guard students throughout the year by defraying costs of travel to competitions, special clinicians, equipment, and uniforms. However, students can raise money through certain activities that they can place in student accounts and use to pay for OPTIONAL band trips (that take place every three years).

How are student account funds managed?

All band and color guard members will have a Student Account set up and managed by the NWBPO. Student Accounts act like mini bank accounts, individual to each student.  The NWBPO Treasurer will track the funds earned by each student. Balances are available from the treasurer (calculated on a monthly basis); requests can be emailed to Students entering 9th grade will have a fundraising account started July 1st the summer before they begin 9th grade.  Prior to that, the NWPBO does not maintain individual student fundraising accounts for younger students.

How do students earn funds for their account?

Can Shack

Band and color guard members entering 9th [beginning July 1st] to 12th grades can earn money towards their student accounts by sorting cans and bottles at the Waukee Fareway (200 SE Laurel Street, Waukee) Can Shack. Students who work at the Can Shack can either receive Silver Cord hours for their time or can earn money for their Student Account. 75% of the proceeds each month from Can Shack proceeds is divided between individual students, based on the number of shifts done each month. The remaining 25% of the money is equally divided between the NWBPO and Waukee BPO. The amount earned per shift will vary depending on the number of students working that month.  

Student Fundraisers

If a fundraiser is designated a “Student Fundraiser'', students can earn money for their individual accounts, creating a credit. Specific details will be provided for each fundraiser, as the process and the amount of money that students can earn will vary.

How can I use the funds in my student account?

Credit balances accumulated (from Can Shack and Fundraising credits) in the student accounts may be applied and used as follows:

  • Expenses for optional trips (such as our upcoming trip to Ireland in Spring 2025).

What happens to my student account funds if I’m no longer in band?

9th-11th grade students who choose not to re-enroll in band for the following year have the option to:

  • Transfer the balance of their account to a sibling that will be participating in band or color guard, or

  • Donate their remaining balance back to the NWBPO.

In April, prior to graduation, graduating senior students who have remaining credits in their account are provided with the option to:

  • Transfer the balance of their account to a sibling that will be participating in band or color guard, or

  • Donate their remaining balance back to the NWBPO.

If a student fails to notify the NWBPO of their choice, funds will automatically be forfeited to the NWBPO on July 1.


Fundraising FAQ


Recommended Band Donation FAQ