Stay in the know!

With so much going on it can be challenging to keep up with everything that the Band has going on. Below is a list of Northwest Bands communication resources and public social media links.

Waukee Community School District Music Curriculum

The Waukee Northwest Band Program provides all students with opportunities to develop lifelong appreciation of music, take ownership over their own accomplishments, and contribute to something larger than themselves. Students may begin their elective Band experience in 5th grade. You can find the Standards, Benchmarks and Objectives here.

Parent Square

ParentSquare is a communication tool used by the Waukee Community School District that combines multiple communication streams into one easy-to-use interface for families and staff. You can sign up for it here. The Band Directors use the platform to send out a weekly newsletter each Friday, which contains information for both students and parents and typically provides details on upcoming events.

Official Northwest Bands Social Media Sites

The following links will take you to the “official” Northwest Bands social media platforms. The Band Directors use the sites to provide information and share photos and results from events and competitions.

Facebook: Northwest Bands

Twitter: @WaukeeNWBands

Instagram: #waukeenwbands

Official NWBPO Communication & Social Media Sites

In addition to this website, the NWBPO shares information through Parent Square, Facebook Page and Instagram. The following links will take you to the “official” social media sites. Event and volunteer information, photos and reminders are shared through these communication tools.


Facebook Page: Northwest Band Supporters - NWBPO

Instagram: #northwestbpo