Fundraising & Volunteer Opportunities for Band Parents & Guardians
As a band parent you can support the Northwest Band program in a variety of ways. The NWBPO is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
We raise money for the Band through many different fundraisers throughout the year, such as running the Can Shack, operating concessions at band events, by selling various products like mattresses and apparel through the Wolf Wearhouse and from hosting band contests such as Bands of America and the Waukee Marching Invitational. Volunteers are needed to help out at these events and more.
Parent/guardian involvement is crucial to our fundraising success!!!
Here are some examples of what our funding makes possible:
Instrument purchase and maintenance,
Marching band props, gear and transportation,
Uniform purchase and maintenance,
Technology to enhance music learning,
Camp scholarships and clinical instructors and much more!
Outside of the classroom, our band students have the opportunity to participate in multiple extracurricular band activities.
Our marching band, the Northwest Royal Brigade, not only performs at all home football games, they travel to and participate in marching competitions and festivals throughout the region.
Students have the opportunity to play in jazz bands, small ensembles, and indoor percussion groups, as well as audition for several honor bands throughout the state.
Every three years, the band travels to march and participate in a major event. The next trip will be the ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE, DUBLIN, 2025! We are currently fundraising for our 2025 trip, more information will be provided as fundraising opportunities are announced.
Students Can Earn $ to Cover Major Trip Costs
The NWBPO provides fundraising and volunteer opportunities for students and parents throughout the year. Money raised by individual students can be used to help offset the expenses associated with the “major trip” that takes place every three years.
Money that the band raises in general is used to help all students be able to participate in band activities and events, by either helping to defray costs for everyone or offering scholarship opportunities for need. The goal is to make sure all students can participate in any band activity or trip.
Current Fundraising Opportunities
Recommended Band Donation
The 2024-25 recommended band donation is $125 per student. If you are able and willing to contribute beyond this amount, your generosity will help to provide for students in need. In any case, we appreciate whatever contribution you can make. You can find additional information here.
Can Shack
The public drops cans off at the Shack, which is located in the Waukee Fareway parking lot. Band students from Northwest and Waukee high schools and parent volunteers sort the cans and turn them in for redemption. Please help spread the word! Let your friends and neighbors know about this initiative. The more cans we collect, the more we can give back to our incredible students and bands.
Papa John’s Fundraising Night
Take the night off from cooking dinner and help the band! Every 3rd Wednesday of each month, Papa John’s will be giving back 5% of sales to the Waukee Northwest High School Band!! Delivery or carry out. Waukee Location ONLY!
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Blue Note Jazz Festival
Come join us and volunteer for the Blue Note Jazz Festival on Saturday, March 8th! We’re looking for volunteers to help with various tasks throughout the day. It’s a great way to be part of the is exciting event and contribute to its success. Your help will make a big difference, and we’d live to have you there!
Northwest Blue Note Jazz Festival Volunteer Sign-up
Performances and Competitions (Coming fall 2025)
The Royal Brigade needs your help with uniforms, equipment and props for their 2025 performances and competitions. Volunteers are needed to help out at Friday night football performances, as well as, Saturday competitions. Please click one of the buttons below to sign up for the dates and times that you’re available to help.
NW Royal Brigade uniforms, equipment and props football games volunteer opportunities
Performance Volunteers - Football Games
NW Royal Brigade uniforms, equipment and props competition volunteer opportunities
Performance Volunteers
NW Royal Brigade competition volunteer opportunities
State & WMI Contest Volunteers