Before we depart for this exciting journey, make sure you’re fully prepared. Below, you’ll find important details from our band directors, including guidelines on passports, clothing, luggage, medication, and more. Review this information carefully to ensure a smooth and stress free trip


  • Maybe the most important thing that everyone MUST be on top of is your passport. If you already have your passport in your possession, then fantastic. Just hold onto it! If not, then you’ve got four weeks to get it tracked down.

  • You WILL NOT be allowed on the plane without your passports. 

  • Once we start on the trip, chaperones will collect everyone’s passports and keep them safely locked up so that we don’t run into any problems on the way home.


  • We will be gone for eight nights.

  • Typical weather in Dublin sees highs in the mid-50’s and lows in the upper 30’s with rain about a third of the time. We will monitor the long range forecast as we get closer, but please make sure that you pack appropriately for the weather. Nothing can make an experience more miserable than being overly hot/cold/wet. 

What to Pack

  • Students should plan to wear school appropriate clothing for the duration of the trip.

  • The only exception to that will be our parade uniform, which the students will be responsible to pack with them in their checked bag.

  • We will talk more about the uniform at the meeting on the 3rd. However: make sure that you have found your marching shoes from the fall. You will need these for the trip!


  • All students will be allowed one free checked bag (50 lbs limit), one carry-on, and one personal item.

  • Here is a link to the Aer Lingus carry-on policy. Flutes and clarinets will be asked to pack their instruments in their carry-on or in their checked bag.



  • We don’t offer any suggestions on an amount of spending money to bring, since every family’s situation is different. Please have individual conversations with your family regarding how to handle spending money on the trip.

  • Bob Rogers recommends that you NOT use any pre-paid debit cards, since many of them don’t work in Europe.

  • Many of the vendors in the areas you’ll be in have gone ‘cash-less’, and prefer credit cards, so Bob Rogers recommends that students use credit cards or debit cards that are linked up to a bank account.

  • Students will need money for four lunches during the trip. All other required expenses are included. Bob Rogers estimates $20 per meal ($80 total).

Cell Phones

  • If you plan to use your phone while we are in Dublin, we recommend that you contact your current providers, and let them know that students will be traveling to Ireland between March 14 and 22.

  • Your provider will likely have a discounted plan available that will be MUCH cheaper than just racking up data roaming charges. 

Power Adaptors

  • Plugs in Europe are different that plugs in America.

  • Bob Rogers will be sending everyone power adaptors to use during the trip.

  • Please note that these adaptors do NOT have a USB port in them, so people will still need to bring their charging bricks.


If you or your student requires medication on the trip, Kenzie Hoshaw, our school nurse, should have made contact with you to make a plan for how to handle your medication. If that is not the case, please contact her at mhoshaw@waukeeschools.org.