During the two-day festival, students and directors develop their skills through rehearsals and clinics with guest conductors and members of the Drake music faculty. The culminating events are the two evening concerts that feature the Drake Bands and the Honor Bands presenting a wide variety of the finest music for wind band. The Honors Concert Band and Honors Wind Ensemble are comprised of over 200 students from throughout Iowa and Nebraska. These students are among the finest in the nation.
The evening concert, which starts at 7:30 pm is free and open to the public. Visit Drake’s website for additional information.
Participation in this honor band is determined based on director recommendation. If you would like us to recommend you for participation in this ensemble, please fill out the following application. You must return the interest form by Friday, November 3 in order to be considered for recommendation.
Drake Honor Band Festival Student Application
NOTE: The Drake Honor Band occurs at the same time as the Winter with Northwest and the Festival of Peace choir concerts, so any student who is involved in one of those concerts may not participate in the Drake Honor Band.
Congratulations to the following students who were selected to perform in the Drake Honor Band.
Brody Haugh, trombone
Nick Jackson, tuba
Xavier Lago, tuba